This is a very good answer given by ajahn jayasaro at a youth retreat recently. For recent books from the ajahn chah sangha, check. Ajahn jayasaro does a public talk there almost every 1st and 3rd sunday morning of the month in thai. The title of this book refers to the image of the buddhas teaching, the wheel of truth or dhamma. The videos are recorded and published by dhammatube, and highly recommended. The following chapters are edited from longer talks ajahn sumedho has given to meditators as a practical approach to the wisdom of buddhism. Intuitive awareness 1 editors preface this book is compiled from talks given mostly in 2001 by ajahn sumedho. Ajahn jayasaro is an english disciple of ajahn chah, and the writer of ajahn chahs biography in thai language. The invitees were ajahn sumedho, the retired abbot of amaravati buddhist monastery in southeastern england sumedho was not able to attend. As ajahn sumedho himself commented, the book is meant to be suggestions of ways to investigate. Among the forest monks, he devised the most comprehensive meditation instructions, and composed the most detailed map of the jhanas.
Ajahn lee is regarded as one of the great teacher and meditation master of the thai forest tradition of the twentieth century. A pdf, html and lit version are available for download at future editions will include new translations of ajahn chahs dhamma talks, if available. Ajahn sumedhos most popular book is dancing with life. Oct 11, 2009 extra special event monday 9th november dhamma talk with ajahn jayasaro in english, at baan aree library we are happy to announce that tahn ajahn jayasaro will be giving a dhamma talk in english, for our little bangkok sangha on monday 9th november 2009. It was in bahn gor, a small village a few hours walk to the south of ubon town in the isahn region of thailand, that one of the greatest monks of the modern era was born, and close to which he would later. On love by ajahn jayasaro ive always liked stories, and particularly stories that require the reader to suffer a little bit and shed a few tears on the way before being resolved with a happy ending. Intuitive awareness by ajahn sumedho 20041107 ajahn sumedho on. Publication date 20011001 usage public domain topics buddhism publisher vibulkij publishing group collection buddha.
With no clear aim in mind, his travels eventually took him to a buddhist monastery in bangkok, where a. This channel features various talks given by venerable ajahn sona, the abbot of birken forest buddhist monastery a canadian theravada buddhist monastery fo. From 1997 to 2002 he served as abbot of wat pah nanachat, an international monastery in the thai forest tradition. Ajahn jayasaro readings from the forthcoming ajahn chah biography. Anthology vol 5 the wheel of truth ajahn sumedho added on jul 27th, 2014. May 09, 20 ajahn jayasaro has written this book in the form of questions and answers, making it interesting and not overlyacademic in tone. In thai language they speak of two kinds of friends. All you will get to know by reading this exceptionally written book. Currently he lives in a hermitage in central thailand. After completing a diploma in applied chemistry and working for a short time, he took leave of his home to travel in asia.
Currently ajahn brahm is the abbot of bodhinyana monastery, in serpentine, western australia, spiritual adviser to the buddhist society of victoria, spiritual adviser to the buddhist society of south australia. He joined ajahn sumedhos community for the rains retreat as an anagarika in 1978 and in november he left for wat pa pong in northeast thailand where he ordained as a novice in the following year. Download the free ebook intuitive awareness by ajahn sumedho. The forest tradition of ajahn chah is a mahanikai monastic organization in the thai forest tradition composed of the students of ajahn chah subhatto. Stillness flowing ajahn jayasaro stillness flowing is an englishlanguage biography of luang por chah authored by ajahn jayasaro this important work details the life and teachings of luang por chah, also known as ajahn chah, and has been in the making for over two decades. In 1994, ajahn jagaro took a sabbatical leave from western australia and disrobed a year later. Below youll find some of the free books available at. Ajahn jagaro was born john cianciosi in 1948, in italy, and migrated with his parents to australia at the age of ten. They can be downloaded as epub, mobi or pdf format. There are eating friends, who are friends when there is something to eat, when everything is going well, but who disappear as soon as things get heavy. He says that merely being a lawabiding citizen and member of the mainstream society is not very satisfactory. I recognised the name and his picture, but that was about it.
He joined ajahn sumedhos community for the rains retreat as an anagarika in 1978. Ajahn sumedho has 33 books on goodreads with 2842 ratings. The aim of the editors in compiling this book has been explicitly to maintain the style and spirit of the spoken word. Ajahn sumedho teus the story of how in the months fojjowing my visit, during the hottest of the hot season in thaijand, he got very sick. Furthermore, he has drawn upon his extensive experience in both the study and practice of buddhism, and also in teaching it to others, to select appropriate topics. Ajahn jayasaro, buddhism, readings from the forthcoming ajahn chah biography august 10th, 2014 admin living in the area where ajahn mun and his students lived provided me with the opportunity to experience the teaching not in books, or desanas, but in real life.
I must admit that i didnt know anything about the thai monk luang por puu tate before reading this book. Stillness flowing now available abhayagiri monastery. Ajahn jayasaro, an author and teacher who lives in a hermitage near khao yai mountain, about two hours outside bangkok. From 1997 until 2002 ajahn jayasaro was the abbot of wat pa nanachat. Description of the book dont take your life personally. It is well worth the trip out to this great location on the cool kao yai mountainside, to join this event. One day ajahn lung confided in luang por that he had decided to disrobe and suggested that his protege might do likewise. The videos are recorded and published by dhammatube.
In november of that year he left for wat pa pong in northeast thailand where he ordained as a novice in the following year, and as a bhikkhu in 1980 with venerable ajahn cha as his preceptor. This wisdom is otherwise known as dhamma, or the way things are. Nov 10, 2017 ajahn jayasaro was ordained as a monk by ajahn chah in 1980. Ajahn jayasaro was formerly the coabbot and then sole abbot of wat pah nanachat international forest monastery in the northeast of thailand for many years. Stillness flowing, the new english biography about the life and teachings of luang por chah, authored by ajahn jayasaro, is now available to the public click on the following links to download the pdf, epub and mobi versions of the book to your ebook reader, phone, tablet or computer. He is hugely popular and sought after speaker, whose dhamma is always refreshing and to the point. It is an honor and memorable experience for us to be able to serve this important cause. Peace is a simple step by ajahn sumedho pdf book download. Publication date 20011001 usage public domain topics buddhism publisher vibulkij publishing group collection buddha language english. Buddhadasa indapanno archives foundation bia bangkok, thailand august. Ajahn jayasaro the early years of venerable ajahn chah. Books by ajahn sumedho author of dont take your life. Ajahn jayasaro the key to liberation ajahn chah readings.
He had been living in the wat for seven years and, at the dangerous and wobbly age of sixteen, a small push was enough. Day trip to meet ajahn jayasaro, may 2014 little bang. Publication date 01012001 usage attributionnoncommercialnoderivs topics buddhism publisher amaravati buddhist monastery collection buddha contributor. He joined ajahn sumedhos community for the rains retreat as an anagarika in 1978 and in november he left for wat pa pong in northeast thailand where he ordained as a. The life and teachings of venerable ajahn chah adapted from uppalamani. This important work details the life and teachings of luang por chah, widely known as ajahn chah, and has been in the making for over two decades. Oct 01, 20 without and within is the book that shows you the path to inner purity and successful life with pure and sacred heart who was the buddha, what is enlightenment, did the buddha have sense of humour, can the creation and enjoyment of art be considered a spiritual path.
Based on talks given at cittaviveka by, ajahn sucitto and ajahn candasiri, compiled by dr. Furthermore, he has drawn upon his extensive experience in both the study and practice. Publication date 01012001 usage attributionnoncommercialnoderivs topics buddhism. Ajahn jayasaro was born on the isle of wight in 1958. Ajahn jayasaro, buddhism, readings from the forthcoming. Stillness flowing is a biography of ajahn chah authored by ajahn jayasaro. Download the bible, the holy quran, the mahabharata, and thousands of free pdf ebooks on buddhism, meditation, etc. Short description of book peace is a simple step brings together material that forms a foundation to ajahn sumedhos teachings, from talks that were given in the late 1970s and early 1980s.
For free distribution only the text materials contained in this book may be used, downloaded, reproduced or reprinted, provided that this notice appears in all copies and provided that such use, download, reproduction or reprint is for noncommercial or personal use only. In 1978 he became a disciple of ajahn cha, one of thailands most renowned buddhist monks. Ajahn jayasaro was ordained as a monk by ajahn chah in 1980. He himself did not consider this as a good option when he was a young man, he was looking for something more than that as a purpose in life. He took higher ordination in thailand and lived there in forest monasteries and remote hermitages. Strictly speaking, the forest tradition of ajahn chah denotes the institutions who have a branch affiliation with wat pah pong, the administrative center of the organization. After a few months, with some money in my pocket, i returned to india. My nineteenth birthday found me living by the side of a lake with a hindu monk. Ajahn jayasaro has written this book in the form of questions and answers, making it interesting and not overlyacademic in tone. Ajahn brahm learnt plumbing and bricklaying and built many of the current buildings himself. Title peace is a simple step ajahn sumedho pdf author ajahn sumedho.
The climb up to this cambodian temple at wat pupek was, as i recau, about two thousand steps. He was an inspiring teacher whose practices were similar to buddhism and he taught me many things. Left in charge, ajahn brahm took on the role and was soon being invited to provide his teachings in other parts of australia and southeast asia. Ajahn jayasaro readings from the forthcoming ajahn chah biography by 1983dukkha. Ajahn sumedho urges us to trust in awareness and find out for ourselves what it is to experience genuine liberation from mental anguish and suffering, just as the buddha himself did two and a half thousand years ago.
We will be there in the afternoon for a special talk in english only meet at baan aree 7. Ajahn jayasaro shaun michael chiverton was born on the isle of wight, england in 1958. I heard that phra ajahn mitsuo gavesako leave the buddhist monkhood and more of newspapers in thailand were released news about this today. A dharma talk given in thailand shortly after the trajedy at the world trade center addeddate 20050805 15. An open letter to all good people interested in bhikkhuni ordination in the immediate response to ajahn brahm informing ajahn sumedho of the bhikkhuni ordination, i quickly composed a letter detailing some of the response or lack thereof on the part of the wat pa pong ajahn chah tradition sangha to bhikkhuni ordination. After joining ajahn sumedho s community as an anagarika in 1978 he travelled to thailand to ordain at wat pa pong in 1979. Ajahn sujato left a career as a musician to become a buddhist monk in 1994. In this series of videos, ajahn jayasaro speaks about the life of ajahn chah.
Ajahn chah right viewthe place of coolness by 1983dukkha. He spent several years at bodhinyana monastery in western australia before founding santi forest monastery in new south wales in 2003. Click on one of the book titles to download a book of your choice. Phra visuddhisamvarathera am, known as ajahn brahmava. For the lay reader reading the talks ajahn chah gave to monks in thailand, then, it is essential to bear in mind the environment within which these talks were given the. In this small book, youll find details concerning such topics as. An open letter to all good people interested in bhikkhuni. Sep 26, 2010 an audience with ajahn jayasaro what we should have learned in school we are happy to announce an audience with ajahn jayasaro on tuesday november 2nd, at the tavana hotel, in english. This biography is based on the 1993 thai biography of luang por chah entitled upalamani which was also authored by ajahn. Ajahn jayasaro dhamma talk in english little bangkok sangha. The stillness of being by ajahn viradhammo is available as a pdf or epub.
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